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Kai Yueh 4-bedroom sold for $185 million
Kai Yueh 4-bedroom sold for $185 million Hong Kong
By   Wen Wei Po
  • City News
  • New Developments
  • Luxury Properties
  • Property Market
Abstract: The atmosphere in the first-hand market is heated, and luxury properties are tendered for same-day sales.

The first-hand market is buzzing and luxury properties are also being sought after. Kai Yueh sold a 4-bedroom apartment for $185 million yesterday at a record price of $50,800 per square foot, a new high for the project and a new record for the price of a standard strata in Ap Lei Chau.


In addition, SHKP's University Hill put 61 units on sale yesterday at the original price, starting at $4,730,100, with a discounted average price of $16,508 per square foot, while Baker Circle Euston in Hung Hom also announced an additional sale of 28 units on Friday.


Kai Yue, a 4-bedroom apartment in Ap Lei Chau, a joint venture between Long Kwong Group and Hopewell Pacific, was put up for tender yesterday morning and was sold on the same day for approximately $185 million at a price of $50,800 per square foot, involving a 3,635-square-foot flat on 23rd floor of Block 3 with a 121-square-foot podium and a 4-bedroom flat with a private lift lobby. The purchaser is entitled to subscribe for one residential parking space within the 180-day transaction period.


Together with the above transactions, Kai Yueh has sold 3 units since the announcement of the sales arrangement in January this year, at a price range of $164 million to $185 million, generating a total of over $532 million.

 Kai Yueh 4-bedroom sold for $185 million

SHKP's University Hill in Pak Shek Kok, Tai Po, which has already opened for show flats and subscriptions, has launched its latest price list No. 3, involving 61 units at a discounted price of $4,730,100 to $7,811,800, with a discounted average price of $16,508 per square foot, which is the original price.


According to SHKP, the new price list maintains a maximum discount of 15%, with a size range of 311 to 451 square feet, including 10 one-bedroom units and 51 two-bedroom units, five of which are garden and rooftop units. The entry unit is a 1-bedroom, 318-square-foot flat on Level 2, Suite B1, Block 3, The Landmark, at a discounted price of $4,730,100.


According to SHKP, the "Cash Rebate for Research Professionals/Academic Talents" offer in Price List No. 3 is applicable to buyers who have acquired the specified units under the "Building Phase Payment Scheme", involving 29 units. Buyers or their relatives will receive a cash rebate of 5% of the purchase price if they are qualified as research professionals/academic talents.


Buyers will also have the opportunity to receive a MHPI cash rebate equivalent to 2% of the property price. Assuming that buyers can get a maximum 10% discount on selected flats under the B1 Flexi-Payment Plan, together with the two cash rebates mentioned above, the total cash rebate will be 7%, and the actual property price may be lower than the maximum 15% discount offered for immediate sale.


As for the urban market, Henderson's General Manager, Agency Sales (I), Mr. Lam Tat Man, said that in response to the keen market demand, Baker Place - Ying Hui launched another price list No. 5 yesterday and is scheduled to put up 28 units for sale this Friday, ranging from 214 to 508 square feet, with an average price of $20,368 per square foot and a discounted price of $4,498,200. from $4,498,200.


The lowest selling price is for a 214 sq ft, open plan flat on 27th floor L at $4,498,200, or $21,020 per sq ft, and the lowest price is for a 274 sq ft, 1-bedroom flat on 6th floor D at $5,264,000, or $19,212 per sq ft.

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Kai Yueh 4-bedroom sold for $185 million
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