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Jinhai recorded 5 eclipses in a row in the month
Jinhai recorded 5 eclipses in a row in the month Hong Kong
By   Internet
  • City News
  • Real estate
  • real estate market
  • real estate transactions
Abstract: In the United States under the tide of interest rate hikes, large housing estate property owners are now in a weak state, recently recorded a series of a number of eclipses.

An agent revealed that the Sunrise Hong Kong City semi-new disc Jinhai sea in five transactions in the month "all eclipse live away", the latest 2 rooms to 7.45 million yuan transaction, the book loss of 920,000 yuan, including the cost of more than 1.3 million yuan of actual loss.


Blue-chip housing estates Quarry Bay Taikoo Shing also has 3 room household owners just over SSD will split the price to 15.4 million yuan to change hands, together with the cost of at least 3.4 million yuan to leave the field.


Tseung Kwan O property prices continue to adjust downward in recent months, of which five transactions were recorded in Sunrise Hong Kong City Jinhai in the month, but all of them are cases of eclipse.


The newly recorded Jinhai II a transaction for 3B Block high-rise C room, practical area of 491 square feet, 2 rooms suite interval, the initial price of $ 9 million, now a significant reduction of $1.55 million or 17.2%, to $ 7.45 million changed hands, equivalent to $ 15,173 per square foot.


The bank just contributed to the Taikoo Shing Silver Star Court high-rise D room a 749 solid square feet household price reduction to $15.4 million change hands, 3 years SSD ban period before changing hands, the account eclipse about 2.4 million.


The original owner purchased the above property in July 2019 for about $17.8 million, and recently reduced the asking price to about $15.9 million to get the interest of the exchange users in the outer area, after bargaining for $15.4 million, which is equivalent to about $20,561 per square foot.


This time, the transfer book loss of about 2.4 million yuan, if together with the cost of making a total loss of at least 3.4 million yuan.

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Jinhai recorded 5 eclipses in a row in the month
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