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Can I use a non-bank fire insurance plan if I still have a mortgage?
Dec 7, 2022
Can I use a non-bank fire insurance plan if I still have a mortgage? Hong Kong
By   Internet
  • City News
  • Mortgage loans
  • home loans
  • home insurance
Abstract: The U.S. Federal Reserve has raised interest rates sharply, and some Hong Kong banks have raised the ceiling rate on H mortgages, which has affected mortgage holders in one way or another.

However, we can control the expenses related to "property", such as fire insurance and home insurance.


In the past year or two, more virtual insurance companies have entered the market to compete, and the premiums for fire and home insurance are cheaper than those offered by banks.


However, what do you need to pay attention to when choosing one? Will it affect the bank's mortgage approval?


It is true that banks generally require borrowers to purchase fire insurance in order to take out a mortgage, but most banks do not make it mandatory for borrowers to purchase it from the bank, as long as they can provide proof of insurance coverage.


And many large housing estates, because the estate has already purchased fire insurance, this group of owners do not need to buy additional.


In addition, some banks offer mortgage incentives will come with six months or even one year of fire insurance, because there is still a mortgage, fire insurance is not available, so homeowners should pay attention to the expiration date of the original fire insurance plan included, and make preparations in advance whether to switch to another insurance company.


If you want to "switch" to another insurance company, you should pay attention to not only the price but also


If you want to switch to another insurance company, not only do you need to pay attention to the price, but you also need to check whether your mortgage bank approves the policy.


If you are not sure how to find a fire insurance plan that is accepted by your bank and is "affordable", you can get professional help to analyze and calculate.

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Can I use a non-bank fire insurance plan if I still have a mortgage?