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THE ASTER opens for 10 units
THE ASTER opens for 10 units Hong Kong
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Abstract: On the eve of the Budget announcement, new developments are being put up for sale at a faster pace.

Kerry Properties' rent-to-own The ASTER at Shan Kwong Road, Happy Valley, last night announced its first price list of 10 units, all of which are two bedrooms and one cloakroom, all with a saleable area of 698 square feet, priced at $20,332,000 to $23,835,000, with square footage ranging from $28,699 to $34,148.


After deducting all discounts, incentives and rebates, the net floor price of these units ranges from $17,930,000 to $21,600,000, and the saleable area is priced at $25,688 to $30,946 after deducting all discounts, incentives and rebates, which is close to the second-hand price of a comparable area in the same district.


The ASTER offers a wide range of discounts and incentives for this batch of units, and buyers can enjoy the highest discounts, allowances and rebates if they opt for the 120-day payment plan (3.5% off the sale price), together with the "$1.2 million Lifestyle Allowance" offer, the "$100,000 Home Upgrade Rebate" and the "$100,000 Kerry Homes Membership Rebate". As THE ASTER is a first-hand property not regulated by the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance, no sales brochure or price list is required.


On the other hand, Wheelock Properties' low opening of KOKO ROSSO in Lam Tin accumulated more than 3,500 votes by 6pm last night, a new record for a new property in six months.


Wheelock Properties Managing Director Wong Kwong-yiu said that due to the overwhelming response, the first round of sales of 148 units, comprising 38 one-bedroom (open plan kitchen) units, 67 two-bedroom (open plan kitchen) units and 43 two-bedroom terraced kitchen units, with saleable areas ranging from 268 to 497 square feet, was implemented on Friday night at a discounted price of $5,545,000 to $9,215,000, net of a maximum 12% discount. The average price per square foot is $18,347.


Tickets close at 8pm this Thursday. Lung Kin Yip's Hoi Yin Estate in Tseung Kwan O also offers 18 units, including 15 one-bedroom units and three two-bedroom units with storage, at a discounted price of $5.205 million to $7.264 million for 75 days.


According to SHKP's Acting General Manager, Mr H L Chan, Phase 2B of NOVO LAND in Tuen Mun is scheduled to go on sale today, with the first price list of at least 146 units, covering 1 to 3-bedroom units.


In terms of new property transactions, China Overseas' Kai Tak Harbour 1 was acquired by a group of customers at a cost of $49.209 million for three units on Floors 10 to 12A of Tower 2B, all with a saleable area of 656 sq ft at $25,005 per square foot.


Vanke Hong Kong Development in Cheung Sha Wan sold 2 units in a row yesterday, at $6.782 million and $9.634 million respectively, at $25,496 and $24,025 per square foot.

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THE ASTER opens for 10 units
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