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28 units added to Hung Hom's Baker Place
28 units added to Hung Hom's Baker Place 香港
By   Centaline Property
  • 城市報
  • Property
  • Property Transactions
  • Property Turnover
Abstract: Hung Hom Baker Place‧Wingway launches 28 units, from $5.12 million, with 84 units sold on Friday.

The second phase of Hung Hom's Bega Place, Bega Place‧Wingway, has added 28 units to its price list, with an average price of $19,888 per square foot and a discounted price starting from $5,182,000. We understand that the project has received about 300 votes for the time being.


The 28 units mentioned above, with saleable areas ranging from 270 to 374 square feet, are all one-bedroom units. Among them, the lowest price and price per square foot is Room H on Level 6, with a saleable area of 270 square feet at a discounted price of $5,182,200 and a discounted price per square foot of $18,993.


Baker Place‧Wingway has recently put up for sale the 2nd price list, offering 56 units at an average price of $19,218 per square foot, which is about 10% lower than the first batch of units launched in November last year.


Mr Lam Tat-man, General Manager of Sales (I) Department of Henderson Land, said that a new round of sale of 84 units will take place this Friday (31), with units ranging from 15 units of open-plan and 69 units of one-bedroom, with saleable area ranging from 214 to 374 square feet at an average price of $19,453 per square foot after discounting. The discounted selling price starts from $3,997,800 and the discounted price per square foot is as low as $17,908.

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28 units added to Hung Hom's Baker Place
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